The Planning Process

MACOG and Transpo, in partnership with the Federal Transit Authority, launched the CONNECT Transit Plan project in Fall 2022 and the Final Plan was adopted in Spring 2023.
Phase I: Choices Report
The Choices Report presented an overview of the project's overarching goals, a network analysis of the current fixed-routes systems, and the tradeoff on key choices relating to "ridership vs. coverage" and "walking vs. waiting". Over 500 surveys were completed and nearly 100 persons participated in Choices' public meetings held in person and via zoom.
Phase 2: Concepts Report
The Concepts Report incorporated stakeholder & public feedback into the design of four ridership and coverage concepts, two each for Transpo and Interurban Trolley systems.
Phase 3: Draft Recommendations Report
The Draft Recommendations Report contained the network redesign plan based on increasing ridership system-wide. The Short Term Network recommendations are changes based on the existing budget that can be implemented with the next 2 years. The Additional Funding Network represents changes that would require more funding to implement over time.
Based on input from the public and stakeholders in Phase 3, the Final Recommendations were developed and published in March 2023. The Final Plan was adopted by the Transpo and MACOG Boards at their March and April meetings, respectively.
To engage stakeholders and the public in alternative concepts in determining preferences for transit in the region. The concepts present ridership versus coverage options.