About the Bus Network Redesign
What is a Bus Network Redesign?
The MARTA 2040 Bus Network Redesign is a unique opportunity for the Authority, its transit partners, and customers to create a new system of bus routes that will better align with the priorities of Atlanta area residents and businesses today.
Each bus route will be evaluated and possibly modified, with some routes undergoing more substantial changes than others. This will mean collaborating with stakeholders to answer questions such as:

Where should bus service travel, and how frequently?

How should service run on weekends, or at night?

Should some locations get new service, or additional service?

How are connections made among buses, and between buses and trains?
Why is MARTA redesigning its bus network?
Since the opening of its first routes, MARTA’s bus network has gradually expanded to accommodate growth in the service area to include more counties and serve newly developed areas.
Due to expansions, as well as declining ridership and changing travel patterns, it is time to reconfirm a bus network that best serves MARTA’s customers.
An efficient network should adapt to changes in its environment. The bus network redesign will focus on those changes and identify goals and objectives for a network that better serves the community.
What is the process?
The MARTA 2040 Bus Network Redesign is expected to be completed in 2021. Proposed changes will go into effect after public hearings and Board adoption in 2022. The main steps in the process are:
Analyze Existing Conditions
Conduct a thorough assessment of the existing network to analyze ridership demand and trip patterns. (Winter/Spring 2021)
Establish Alternatives
Collaborate with jurisdictional partners to develop contrasting alternatives. These alternatives will demonstrate two paths for reimagining the network and will highlight tradeoffs MARTA will need to make.
The alternatives will be shared with jurisdictional partners and to the public in the form of a survey. The MARTA Board of Directors will follow by setting policy for the network redesign. (Spring/Summer 2021)
Develop Draft Bus Network
A draft of the reimagined network will be presented for public input and will inform the final bus network. (Fall/Winter 2021)
Finalize Bus Network
The final bus network will be implemented after public hearings and Board adoption in 2022.

How can you participate?
Public engagement is critical to the success of the MARTA 2040 Bus Network Redesign and every phase of the process will include opportunities for public input.
Due to health concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic, public and stakeholder engagement opportunities will likely remain virtual throughout this process. As CDC guidelines are reviewed, MARTA will explore in-person events when feasible.
Here are some of the current ways you can participate:
Get the latest project updates and look out for events and surveys where you can participate, right on this website.
Join an online event this summer and fall (to be announced soon).
Email busnetwork@itsmarta.com with questions or comments.
Sign up for the mailing list here.